On April 2, 2004 my cat died. She had declined at an alarmingly fast rate, and I was planning to take her in to the vet's to be put to sleep. But suddenly she lapsed and gave her last breath while being cradled in my arms. Several moments after that, having regained my composure, I called my parents. I talked with them for about ten minutes, after which I returned to the living room to collect the body and take it into the vet's. But, when I bent down to her boody, she looked up once more and gave a faint "meow." The ninth life kicked in! I was sure she was dead - I've had several pets move on before. I guess there was enough of a spark left in her, and enough of a will to hang on! She did finally pass on thirty minutes after that.
When I did get back from taking care of burial arrangements for her, I got another phone call from my folks. My last surviving grandparent, my grandma, finally passed on after having been sub-acute for several years. She passed on that same afternoon. I rode the dog up north, saw family, grieved with them, shared memories, and came back. And I've been back thinking about the meaning of life all over again. About the impermanence of everything, and what I really want out of my own life.
Last week, I attended a conference in Daytona, and after the day ended, didn't come straight back home. I did something I normally don't do, and I wandered and explored roads, and just kept the car in between the lines. And it felt good - I felt so very much alive. And I still have other things I need to get out of my system. And I 'm going to a ten day meditation retreat in the near future. Because I'm still alive, I can do that. Pyro Mike