A random accumulation of thoughts which deal with spontaneously arising issues.
Published on March 31, 2004 By Pyro Mike In Welcome
Well, here I am doing a blog. What motivates me? Grief mostly, and the realization that I must speak out about what is most important to me. The catalyst in question is the impending final exit of my four footed companion of 20 years. Her name is Weeny, a feline I adopted around Halloween - hence, the name.

The death of anyone, four-footed or two-legged, is never easy. But quality of life issues must be faced. I've faced this before with relatives that have passed on, but with them I had to wait for death. With pets, we often have to initiate this passage. This is becoming more common even with humans.

I know my cat. How she enjoyed sitting at the windowsill, how she enjoyed often playing with me - I know how rich her life was before. Before kidney disease started robbing her of the capacity to enjoy all of that. Just like I know when I see a relative incapacitated in a hospital that that's not really them, living their living life to the fullest.

Everytime I face this, I reevaluate what is most important in my life, and strive to appreciate whoever is still in it. Because we never really know when those we love and cherish will be gone. Count your blessings, two legged and four legged. <
In Peace, PyromikeLink

on Apr 01, 2004
Good to have ya Mike.

Oh, and uh, nice nickname.
